Dr. Lei Chen

Associate Professor


Dr. Chen earned his B.Eng.(Computer Science) from Nanjing University of Technology (China) in 2000. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Auburn University in Aug. 2007. During his graduate study at Auburn, he taught undergraduate courses and was a GTA of multiple graduate courses for 5 years. He joined the Department of Computer Science at Sam Houston State University as an assistant professor in Aug. 2007. He teaches Network, Network Security and Information Security courses in the department. Dr. Chen has been actively engaged in research on computer networks, network security, wireless and multimedia networking. He was a graduate research assistant for 5 years at Auburn University and worked as Vodafone Research Fellow in the last year of his Ph.D. study. In the years of 2005 and 2006, he had 5 papers published in major IEEE and ACM conferences. He welcomes any research/project collaboration on the above research topics.